Work placement
Main programmer
November 2018 -
Unity 2018
Casual Game
Game Programming
Proteine Docking
Goldsmtihs University
Imperial College
After finishing my Master's studies I was offered to work as main developer in BioBlox2D, a casual mobile game about protein docking. BioBlox2D is part of a larger project between Goldsmiths and Imperial College which objective is to gamificate the scientific problem of how proteins and biological molecules dock. The project is composed by three games, BioBlox2D, Bioblox3D (A 3D tool that challenges people to dock real molecules, giving useful information in the process) and BioBlox VR.
The project started before I joined the team, so I was handed-over a first version of the game that I had to keep improving. As the main developer of the project left the team, I turned into the lead and only programmer of the game. Even though my main focus was on the 2D game, I also helped ocasionally in the development of BioBlox3D.
During my time with the BioBlox team, my tasks have been developing the gameplay logic, designing and including new game modes, creating UIs, improving the controls etc. Even though I have been the only developer since I started working on the project, I have also been collaborating with an artist that has created the assets for the game and helped me with the general design.
Even though BioBlox2D is the most casual out of the three games of the BioBlox project, researchers from Imperial college have also been involved in the development, letting me know about the requiremnets of the game and which features should it include. This way, we have turned some real science related to protein docking into gameplay features. The work with the researches has involved regular meetings and constant communication to make sure that the game turns as similar as possible to the idea the team has envisioned.
Working in BioBlox has strengthen my skills not only as a game programmer but as a professional. The game has been developed using Unity and C#, which has familiarized me even more with the game engine and programming for medium size projects. Developing BioBlox has also made me quite confortable reading other people's code, being able to modify and improve it without breaking the game and program as modular as possible so other people can modify and read it easily as well.
Even though the game is still in development, a first version of the game has been released in the Apple Store and Google Play. Press the following links to download it.

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